VMware Avi AKO: Regular expression in Ingress


NSX Advanced load balancer (AVI) is a 100% software-defined multi-cloud application services platform with Software Load Balancers, Intelligent WAF (iWAF), and Container Ingress.

All modern applications use load balancing nowadays. Load balancing is the process of distributing network traffic across multiple servers.

The goal of this blog

The goal of this blog is to explain how to install and configure AKO (Avi Kubernetes Operator) to use regular expressions in path in Ingress objects

I will not go over the installation of Avi or Tanzu itself.
You will need an image registry like Harbor. I will not go over the installation of Harbor.
(You can check here on how to install Harbor)

What I am using

For my setup, I am using the following:
VCF 5.2.1
vCenter 8.0u3b
ESX 8.0.3
Avi 22.1.7
vSphere with Tanzu (tkgs)

Lab setup diagram

Ako setup

*UPDATE 31-01-2025* Ako 1.13.1 is officialy released. The step here can be skipped. (Unless you like to read it anyway)
If you want to skip, goto step 3 Installing AKO into guest cluster.

1. Get and build AKO 1.13.1 from GitHub.

You need to download and compile the source code from GitHub.
To build the images, you will need to have Docker installed.
I will be using specific golang and Photon versions.

git clone https://github.com/vmware/load-balancer-and-ingress-services-for-kubernetes.git
cd load-balancer-and-ingress-services-for-kubernetes

# Pull the docker images needed for building AKO
docker pull golang:bullseye
docker pull photon:4.0
docker tag golang:bullseye golang:latest
docker tag photon:4.0 photon:latest

# Check the docker images
sudo docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
photon              4.0                 9e9d04e011c5        8 days ago          42.2MB
photon              latest              9e9d04e011c5        8 days ago          42.2MB
golang              bullseye            050e12fb60cc        12 days ago         769MB
golang              latest              050e12fb60cc        12 days ago         769MB

# Make AKO images
make docker
[+] Building 173.9s (15/15) FINISHED

# I am also building gateway api image. You do not have to.
make ako-gateway-api-docker
[+] Building 159.8s (14/14) FINISHED

# Check the images
docker images
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED              SIZE
ako-gateway-api     latest              10473a26bd1c        About a minute ago   132MB
ako                 latest              b9edd4241284        14 minutes ago       134MB

2. Pushing images to Harbor repository

Now we need to push the images to the (in my case) Harbor repository.

# Tagging the docker images
docker tag ako harbor.sfo.rainpole.io:443/ako/ako-main:1.13.1
docker tag ako-gateway-api harbor.sfo.rainpole.io:443/ako/ako-gateway-api:1.13.1

# Pushing the docker images
docker login harbor.sfo.rainpole.io:443
docker push harbor.sfo.rainpole.io:443/ako/ako-main:1.13.1
docker push harbor.sfo.rainpole.io:443/ako/ako-gateway-api:1.13.1

# Creating the helm charts.
# Change the version and appVersion: to 1.13.1
cd helm
vi ako/Chart.yaml

helm package ako
Successfully packaged chart and saved it to: /root/load-balancer-and-ingress-services-for-kubernetes/helm/ako-1.13.1.tgz

# Push helm charts
helm registry login harbor.sfo.rainpole.io:443
helm push /root/load-balancer-and-ingress-services-for-kubernetes/helm/ako-1.13.1.tgz oci://harbor.sfo.rainpole.io:443/ako
Pushed: harbor.sfo.rainpole.io:443/ako/ako:1.13.1
Digest: sha256:3adcef2e13d748c1b227b868e07522df14c72e8bc2a2b1ab229989ec73721c45

3. Installing AKO into guest cluster.

*UPDATE 31-01-2025* Ako 1.13.1 is officialy released. You can use the official installation method.

Please see helm installation

Some things you need to enable in the config before you install AKO.

# For gateway API
  GatewayAPI: true

# Change the image repositories to match your setup.
  repository: harbor.sfo.rainpole.io:443/ako/ako-main
  pullPolicy: Always
    repository: harbor.sfo.rainpole.io:443/ako/ako-gateway-api
    pullPolicy: Always

# Enable EVH
  enableEVH: true

# Install AKO
helm install --generate-name oci://harbor.sfo.rainpole.io/ako/ako --version 1.13.1 -f values-gateway-git.yaml --set ControllerSettings.controllerHost= --set avicredentials.username=admin --set avicredentials.password=VMw@re1\!VMw@re1\! --namespace=avi-system

Creating an Ingress with regular expression.

1. Using regular expression.

To enable regular expression on an Ingress, you need to leverage HostRule CRD.
See for more information

# Set useRegex to True
apiVersion: ako.vmware.com/v1beta1
kind: HostRule
  name: waf-rule
    fqdn: ingress2.k8s.sfo.rainpole.io # mandatory
    fqdnType: Exact
    useRegex: True
    enableVirtualHost: true
    wafPolicy: System-WAF-Policy

# Now you can use regular expression in the path in the Ingress object
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: ingress
  ingressClassName: avi-lb
    - host: ingress2.k8s.sfo.rainpole.io #Provide Your Hostname here
          - pathType: Prefix
            path: "/v1[0-9]+$"
                name: web-front-1
                  number: 8080

  - hosts:
    - ingress2.k8s.sfo.rainpole.io
    secretName: wildcard-cert

Testing the regular expression

AKO creates a HTTP Policy set

When we take a close look at the string group that has been created, you can see the regular expression.

If we test a valid path, i get response

When using an invalid path, i get an error.

Final words

AKO 1.13.1 is planned to support regular expression in path selection. This can have some good uses cases.

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